ALERT: Read about the response to COVID-19 taking place in EPSCoR/IDeA jurisdictions.

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NSF grows future US manufacturing technologies and jobs


Manufacturing underpins US economic prosperity, security and employment. The White House recently published the US National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing, with the NSF playing a critical role.

NSF strategically invests at the forefront of advanced manufacturing research and in the future manufacturing workforce. These investments – supporting fundamental research and translational research that engages students, research infrastructure, STEM education and hands-on training — are designed to keep the US competitive.

Through its Future Manufacturing program, NSF invested over $30 million in 21 projects, involving 100 institutions in 20 states, to enable manufacturing capabilities that do not exist today.

The recipient representing the EPSCoR jurisdictions is:

  • FMSG: Eco: Off-Grid Construction via Sustainable Compression Curing of Vegetable Oil-Impregnated Sediments (PI: Scott Thompson, KANSAS State University), Award Amount: $494,685
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